Monday, January 26, 2009

A New Year Calls for a New Blog...a few weeks late!

Since we are still in the beginning of the new year, I figure that it is still alright to begin this new blog. We used to have a family blog, but it slowly died out. It was all about Zac's flying experiences and then a little about our family. While visiting with friends today, I decided that we needed something bigger and better to communicate with our friends and family (their blogs are quite lovely!). So, I hope that you all enjoy reading these posts and keeping up with the Balas' on our adventures, although I have a feeling most of the stories will be about the Andrew Man - as he is our life now.

To begin, I assume that everyone wants an Andrew update. He is working towards 6 months old, his 1/2 birthday will be on February 12th, which will be here all too soon. It seems like time has been moving even more quickly since he made his appearance. He is doing more and more each day as he learning new skills. His feet can reach the bottom on his exersaucer, he is able to balance sitting for at least a few minutes (getting better each day), he is much more talkative (especially using vowel sounds) and he continues to try new foods every day including avocado, prunes, asparagus, grapes and zucchini.

Unfortunately he still refuses to roll, even though we think he actually knows how. He has rolled about 5-6 times from his tummy to his back, no rolling across the room at this point. Currently he loves to stay up way past his bed time - like now as I type this at 11:30pm, he is lying by me chatting away and kicking me to get my attention

As for Zac, myself and Snickers, we are just going about our lives as usual. Zac is keeping busy with sims and the academic portion of the 2nd phase of his training. We might be getting a break at some point, we are looking forward to that even though it means we will have to stay for a bit longer. I am trying to find new ways to keep Andrew and I entertained, luckily the weather is nice here, so there are many options for us to get out and about. Snickers is getting more and more used to her brother, although I don't know that she loves him all of the time.

Check back soon for more on the Adventures of Andrew, you never know what he might do!


  1. dear heather, zac and amj
    i too consider any day in january to be the new year and time to start something wonderful. i was happy to read every single word about balasworld and the pictures, of course, are worth thousands of words. today i go to work at the bakery. rog will be watching tennis. happy day! gr-aunt ruth

  2. Thank you for including us in your world, Balas Family!
    With the distance that separates us, it is nice to share in your experiences and photos.
    Looking forward to the news.
    Love to all,

  3. Man my little nephew is doing some heavy reading there! crazy.
