Monday, February 2, 2009

Finally a Milestone, Thank Goodness!

I was beginning to think that my son was somehow developmentally challenged because he doesn't roll yet. He has done the occasional roll from his stomach to his back, but nothing to write home about. When reading developmental charts, you see that rolling should begin around 4 months and we are well past that marker. So, I begin thinking, what is wrong with my son. There is the obvious fact that I know I have not given him enough "tummy time" but the kid hates it and screams as if you were punishing him. I continue to wonder, what else could I have done that would be causing this delay and then a miracle happens...

He can sit by himself, not just for a second, but at least 5 minutes. He was able to balance, then he started to fall over, caught himself and continued to sit there. I know it's not rolling, but who cares about rolling, he can sit! He's not even 6 months old yet and a self sitter! We were shocked, I ran and got the camera while Zac sat there across from him waiting for him to topple over, and it never happened!

So, other than that exciting new development in Andrew's life, there are more firsts that await him this week! We are attending The Little Gym tomorrow to try out a 4-12 month class, we will start some 2nd foods and begin wearing some 6-9 clothes, soon to be in size 3 diapers....This is a big week....and his 1/2 birthday is coming next week! Maybe he'll even get a tooth! Oh, he can hold a bottle...sometimes...if it's the small one, but still it's progress, sippy cups are in our future!

In other news, Babies 'R Us and I are currently not getting along. I could rant for a while about how much I dislike the store in Arkansas and how much better the stores are in Ohio, but there isn't much point. So, I guess I'll save it for my strongly worded letter that I'll be sending their was the last straw for them!

(just a memo to all those who might purchase items for Andrew - please no more long sleeves or 3-6 / 6 month sizes, it's getting warm and he's getting bigger! Size 6-9 or 9, or even 12 month would be great for the summer!)


  1. Sitting up??? You're a big boy! Yea, Andrew!

  2. Wow! so many first for Mr.'re looking good, Buddy!
    Love you---Gramma A

  3. So HOW WAS Little Gym? We were so sad to miss it....are you signing up for the long haul? Oh, and what happened at BRU??
