Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy ½ Birthday!

Today is Andrew’s half birthday! We did a lot to celebrate today including: taking some pictures, opening presents and going to the doctor. The first two activities were probably a little more exciting than the last, but that is how it goes!

As for new developments as a 6 month old – there are not any. Our miracle of rolling around the room has not happened yet and at the rate we are going, probably won’t. He is however sitting more and more each day and bearing more weight on his legs. I guess that we might just have to reach for standing as our next big accomplishment! He now just lays and cries when on his belly not even trying to hold his head up much – I think he is just plain lazy.

His new stats are…

18.5 lbs
27 ½ inches

So that puts him in the 75th percentile in both categories – I guess he’s a big kid, even though he still fits in most of his 3-6 month clothes…interesting! He even wore one 0-3 size onesie last week. Baby clothes are just like women’s clothing, everything fits differently!

At least his is still enjoying trying new foods. It’s amazing how many different ways you can mix together basic fruits and veggies (in ways you might not think are tasty) and he still gobbles them up. I guess he’s a typical male! One food we just started is lentil and we will soon be mixing in rice and pasta with his fruit and veggie favorites! I am also amazed at how easy it is to puree up any type of food, really anything can be popped into a blender!

He is beginning to have some favorite toys that make him smile as soon as he gets a hold of them. He loves to chew on and cuddle his Monkey and Tramp (even though we just call him puppy!). Anything that lights up and plays noises is at the top of his list too! His Tiger Ball Toss and Tool Bench are among the favs! Somehow his crab that speaks in English and Spanish can help him take naps in his swing - who knew!

I guess are biggest setback is sleeping. He has never been one to sleep through the night and when it does happen (once or twice a month) we are still shocked. Most nights we are up several times trying to get him calmed down and back to bed. We recently have given up the battle and let him sleep in the bed with us because we need a few solid hours of sleep. There we go setting a bad habit, but hopefully things will start to get better soon. We are going start implementing some different techniques in hope to someday soon get a nights rest!

All in all, the past 6 months have really flown by and it’s hard to believe that we have a 6 month old! It’s been an interesting and enjoyable journey so far and I’m sure it will only get better!

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